Hello. This is Vy again, still recording the information of the Phuket tsunami 2010. It has been 4 days already, people are so angry about why the government hasn’t speak up about this catastrophe. The silent remains from the government of Thailand is making the people frustrating.

As you know, the tsunami just hit Phuket after 5 years since the Boxing Day 2004. People around the world expected that the government should be prepared for this natural disaster already, rather than let it happened with no preparation. It was a massive suprise for all the people those are living in Phuket about no alert of this tsunami.

So, what could the government have done to help prevented so much destruction ?

To the people those are living in the coastline areas, where tsunami is able to occur any time its want. The government should have a Tsunami Warning System as a preparetion for the unexpected tsunamis.

_Tsunami Evacuation Signs can be build up along the way, near the beaches.

_ Radio System should be put around the area to announce peope before the inundation. (including the information and instructions for people to follow)

_ Maps of tsunami-inundation and evacuation routes have to be put up along the way.

_Tsunami Warnings should be broadcast on local radio, TVs and the Weather Radio. Weather Radio is the prime alerting and critical information delivery system of National Weather Service.

_ Signs of tsunami and the evacuations should be teach to the local people and children as schools. ( Disaster Education).

_ Make disaster plans before disaster occurs. The local people should be trained so they know what they can do to protect themselves. There should be some trials so people don’t panic when it comes.

_ The local offices MUST show them which areas are most vulnerable to tsunami hazards, which routes are best for evacuation.

The government should respond to this more seriously, even though there is politic crisis going over Thailand at the moment.